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urban gardening
urban gardening
Why is urban gardening so important for the city?
"Urban gardening" is not a modern term, but has gained in importance in recent decades.
There is an increasing need for food that is produced in an environmentally compatible and socially just manner, which is often attempted to be achieved through in-house production or local purchase.
In addition, the population's attitude towards quality of life, nature and / or sustainability is changing significantly.
Urban climate change:
Urban gardening helps to counteract urban climate change.
Every plant extracts heat from the environment through evaporation, binds fine dust and reduces CO2.
Especially in vertical greening, plants prevent direct sunlight on the facade.
This means that the facade can store less thermal energy. As a result, interiors heat up less and the climate is more pleasant at night.
Vertical greening is very often referred to as "natural air conditioning". This saves energy and thus doubly helps to counteract climate change.
With Masu, every window sill can be planted with little financial effort and without extensive approval.
Green roofs and the creation of new green spaces also contribute to reducing urban climate change.
Insects in the garden and on the window sill:
Insects find less and less natural spaces and therefore less food.
Even the smallest herb box or flower pot can be used to offer insects food:
However, pollen and nectar do not exist in every flower - insects "fly" onto flowering herbs and domestic plants with simple, unfilled flowers.
With flowering native plants you can set the table for a variety of insects! Wildflowers or climbing plants are particularly popular
A wildflower border on the windowsill with so-called weeds offers insects both food and hiding places.
Urban gardening very often mixes many terms that are related to greening, livable urban development or nature in urban areas.
> see the definition in Wikipedia: urban horticulture
There are a number of other differentiations, such as:
urban farming, urban agriculture, guerrilla gardening, greening, urban environment
> look also: Urbane Landwirtschaft Masterthesis
It is worthwhile to investigate why gardens are returning to cities. Literature has also been increasingly published in recent years.
> look also:
In addition, university institutions around the world are increasingly concerned with urban gardening.
> look also:,,,
Internationale Tagung zu grünen Aktivitäten im urbanen Raum
However, terms such as urban gardening, etc. also appear more and more in the media and also raise awareness.
> look also: Wie die Stadt mit Gemüse in neue Grätzel lockt
Urban Gardening - zwischen privat und öffentlich
If you would like to take an active part in discussions about urban gardening, you will find a variety of forums, blogs, etc.
> look also: Forum Gesundheit, Grüne Hochschulgruppe Kassel
GREEN CREATIONS® is a member of the Association for Building Greening